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Things To Do Once You "Own" the Channel

Once you own the channel, the decision is clearly yours on how you want to proceed and needless to say the number of things you can do is endless. However, let me share with you a number of time tested ideas that are sure to give you a thrill not to ment ion totally piss of the channel you have now hacked. The first thing you can do is to taunt the former ops of the channel. That is to say, they will probably be cursing you and telling you what a loser you are for hacking the channel. They will say thi ngs like "get a life, do something more productive". Remember don't take it personally.

You have to keep in mind that it is the formers ops who in fact are the ones who need to get a life, considering the only power they have or make that had (if you su ccessfully hacked the channel) was to have ops in the first place. So you can continue to taunt and if they get relay billegerent you can kick them off the channel. They will undoubtedly come back within a second or two and then you can say something li ke, "Now, now I am in control of the channel and I will not tolerate such language and behavior. If you are unable to control yourself I will be forced to ban you." Now this is sure to get some violent response from the former op in which case you subse quently kick and ban them and move onto the next person.

Another thing I like to do is to word ban. This is particularly easy if you have LICE.

What you do is pick a word that if typed onto the screen by any of the channel members, will automatically result in you kicking them off the channel with the reason that word is banned. This method is particularly good in channels like #teensex where people are always saying the word sex, male, female, teen, age, etc. All you do is ban those words and watch the kicks begin to fly.

Another thing I like to do is moderate the channel. What this does with the /mode +m command is to make it such that nobody on channel can speak. This is a particularly good thing to do when many of the channel members are getti ng out of hand and you want to make some sort of statement without anybody interrupting you. Yes all eyes will be trained on you. If you want to be really mean, when you are finished hacking the channel, you can leave it moderated in which case nobody w ill be able to speak and the channel is effectively shut down. Other things to do which are nasty as well are to kick everybody out of the channel and make it invite only, effectively shutting it down as well. Think of your own creative things to do. I would love to hear about me..if they are particularly interesting I will include them in this page with an attribution if you like.


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--==[ How to get ops and takeover a channel on IRC ]==--
_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ \\ by vhOst // _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

8 . 6 . 98


I've been spending a lot of time online lately reading all kinds of stupid text files on how to "Takeover Ops Boi!!!", "eLeEt WaYs To gEt OpS!!!", "HOW TO GET OPS ON SERVER SPLITS", etc. We all know none of these things work, at least not for me. They're either written by morons, or they were written like 10 years ago and don't work anymore. The method I'm presenting here DOES work, but it takes practice, patience, and careful reading.


Tools needed:

An IRC script that can do mass deops quickly and easily (preferibly one that lets you press an F# (function) key to do mass deops, or one that automatically mass deops once you gain ops). You don't want to have to start going through popup menus since you have to do this quickly.

An IRC script that can do mass CTCP versioning. I'll explain later.

A wingate scanner. These aren't too hard to find. Check (this link worked as of 8/6/98).

A few 'war' programs to exploit irc clients, nuke, flood, etc. When I say flood, I don't mean like a ping flood in mIRC, I mean like a real ICMP flooder. Try to find Final Fortune, it's a program I made myself... very effective.

A lot of patience.

A brain.


Find a channel you want to takeover. This method will NOT work on Dalnet or any other networks with anything like ChanServ. Also, this won't work if all of the ops in the channel are bots (unless they're VERY badly programmed). OK, so once you're in the channel, do a Version CTCP on all of the ops in there. Look for exploitable scripts (some versions of ircN, mIRC 5.3x, mIRC 5.4, etc.). Now, let's say you find someone with nick 'DumbOP' and he's using a script that you know you can exploit and disconnect him from IRC (but don't crash him yet!). /dns DumbOP to find his IP. Now take your handy wingate scanner. Plug in his IP and search for a similar one with the scanner. If you can't find one in the same Class C range, try Class B if you have to, but make sure it resolves to something close to DumbOP's IP.

Good, so now you have a wingate IP similar to DumbOP's. If you couldn't find an IP close to his, try this with another op with an exploitable script. Do a /whois DumbOP to find the IRC server he's on and his ident (the thing before the @ip). So now that you have the wingate IP, what do you do with it? I'll assume you never wingated before, and I'll explain how to do it with mIRC. For the example, let's say the wingate IP is, DumbOP's ident is 'opident', and DumbOP's irc server is ''.

Open a new instance of mIRC, and in the status window, do the following:

/server 23

You'll see it say "WinGate>NICK (some nick)" Right after you see this, type:

/quote 6667

You'll probably then see something like "Connecting to host USER...Host name lookup for USER 6667 Connecting to host"

You might see more than this, you might see less. The important thing to watch for is:

" - *** Looking up your hostname...
- *** Checking Ident
- *** Found your hostname
- *** Got Ident response "

Once you see that, type:

/quote user opident opident opident opident
/quote nick DumbOP1

You don't have to use 'DumbOP1', just use any temporary nick you want. Also, you can use '/raw' instead of '/quote' if you wish.

If you did everything correctly, you'll see the MOTD for the irc server, and you'll be connected. If by chance is k-lined from, you'll have to go through the whole process again with a different server. This makes your "spoofing" (it's not REALLY spoofing) attempt less realistic looking, but if you have to use a different server, then do it.

Once you're online, everything works like normal. Do a /whois DumbOP1 to see your info. It should be close to DumbOP's.

You're halfway there! The next thing to do (not necessary, but recommended) is to try to find out some info on DumbOP. I recommend trying "nbtstat -A " at the dos prompt, that might provide you with a name or two if you're lucky. This is just some useful information that might come in handy. Also, try searching ICQ for his nick and check his info, you might find good stuff in there.

The next step is to disconnect DumbOP from IRC. Either use an exploit, or nuke him (Click is sometimes useful (if you don't know what Click is, it's a program made by Rhad to have an IRC server 'nuke' a person... it sometimes works)), or ICMP flood him. Do anything you have to to disconnect him. By the way, you should have your original IRC session still open, with your wingated IRC session running as a different instance of mIRC (you should have 2 'versions' of mIRC running at the same time now, one with your original nick, info, etc., and the other with the DumbOP1 stuff). While you're attacking DumbOP, monitor the channel with your original session of mIRC and wait for DumbOP to disconnect. Immediately after you see that, rename DumbOP1 to DumbOP (/nick DumbOP) and join the channel! Don't say anything! If you're lucky, a stupid op will op you. Then mass deop. If nothing happens for about 5 or 6 minutes, mass message the ops, saying something like "what happened? why am I not opped?". You might get into a conversation. Remember to keep calm, and talk like an op. Don't freak out and demand for them to op you. The "useful information" might come in handy now. Often the ops will tell you to get ops from the bots. Just say something like you're desynched from the bots because of your ping timeout.

If your impersonation is good enough, 9/10 times they'll op you. Like I said before, IMMEDIATELY do a mass deop. If possible, bring AT LEAST two bots (real bots, not just simple clones) into the channel to hold it and protect it.

If you followed all these steps thoroughly, you should be able to takeover most channels as long as there are at least 2 human ops (1 of which you'll be 'spoofing', the other you'll be messaging to op you).

Good luck and have fun!

If you have any questions/comments/whatever, e-mail vhOst at and/or message me on Efnet (nick p3ntY-hacK3r/vhOst).

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This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.

This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.